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LearnThrive is an organization supported by Khan Academy Vietnam aiming to promote self-study capacity and access to learning resources for Vietnamese students.


With the goal of minimizing imbalances in educational quality, learning conditions, and opportunities in regions in Vietnam, LearnThrive provides sets of academic resources including learning methods and general learning experiences, with the combination of scientific research and the student-teacher network to help students self-study high school subjects more easily and effectively.


In addition, LearnThrive wants to become a place that synthesizes competition opportunities, knowledge sharing, and free learning resource-sharing platforms for millions of Vietnamese students in rural areas and small cities.


Reform Learning and Teaching Techniques

Our primary mission is to bring about a change in the traditional methods of teaching and learning in Vietnam’s educational system. This involves integrating modern pedagogies, technology, and innovative strategies tailored to the Vietnamese context.

Bridge Educational Gaps

We aim to ensure that quality education is accessible to all, irrespective of their location – whether they’re from urban areas, rural regions, or mountainous terrains. This mission resonates with the larger global objective of inclusive education for all.

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